Oh my, my, my... Ever sift through a bunch of photos? Remember places you've been, things you've done? Well, that's what I did last night.
You see, I have a few new Facebook friends. Women that I aspire to be like. Celebrity types in my pink world. And well, whenever I get a new Facebook friend that I don't know very well, I go back and review my page to see it through their eyes. (I worry what others think of me. There! I said it.) And then I go and look at my pictures. It's just what I do.
So late last night, after everyone was tucked in bed and I'd played all the Bejeweled Blitz I could handle, I did the Facebook review. I glanced over my wall and yep, anyone who looks can tell what I do for a living... and btw, I'm very proud of what I do and the women (and some men) that I associate with... Anyone looking can see that I'm working. They can see that we added a new feature to our porch and that my daughter works in the same company I do.
Rachel Redmond, Debbie Sanders, Me - dreamers! |
Next I went to the photos. Oh wow. I was a little blown away. Sometimes I really take my life for granted! Being a military wife for so long, you just get used to people making the same money you do and going the same kinds of places you've been. It's "normal". Only, it isn't. After being a civilian couple for almost 2 years, we've gotten away from it all and now I can look back with fresh eyes.
Air Force Ball in Hawaii |
Ahhhhh. Zugspitse, German Alps |
St Peter's Square, Rome Italy |
I've been to London, Paris, Venice, Rome, Florence, the Alps, Hawaii, Korea ... starting to hear a little Johnny Cash in my brain.... I've skiied, hiked and sailed in dream locations. I've eaten stingray and drunk corn water (not that exciting, I know.).
Beautiful, romantic Venice |
I've also raised 3 awesome kids who are choosing lifemates wonderfully well. I've been married for 29 (!) years to a man who treats me incredibly well. I come from 2 loving parents and have 2 fabulous siblings. I live in what most would call a dream home in a dream location.
Summit - Wiliwilinuinui Trail, Oahu Hawaii |
Florence (Firenza) Italy |
It's a little overwhelming now that I think about it. So, I asked my Facebook friends to shoot me if I every neglect to appreciate it. Now I'm going to tell you a secrect about me: I would be just as happy if I'd never been any of those places. In fact, I loved my life just as much when I lived in Oklahoma, Mississippi, New Jersey and Illinois. I'm just as proud of being a homeschool mom as any other thing I might accomplish in my life.
I love my life. I really do. And now, in my early 50's, I'm stretching myself in new ways and trying new things - learning to become a business women and leader of other women. I'm developing leadership skills I never knew I'd need. I'm seeking out women who need a way to improve their lot. Not because I have to, but because I want to. I love what I do.
Thanks be to God for the rich life He's given me in family and friends and may I always appreciate the opportunities I've had and will have. The lines have fallen in pleasant places and I hope that when you look at my Facebook page, you see a woman who loves God and her family and seeks to find joy and excitement in everything she does.
With the love of my life! |
Korea - Stingray meal (and oh, so much more!) |
Oh how I love this post!! Sometimes we forget to look around and be grateful for all the blessings in our lives!
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